Slovakia's national bobsled team parties in Calgary


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Hunters' Ball in Calgary, annually organized by a local branch of the Canadian Slovak League, was this year more exclusive than ever.

After 9 p.m., the National four-bob Olympic team of the Slovak Republic joined the festivities at the Royal Canadian Legion, arriving directly from the World Cup race held this weekend at the Canada Olympic Park in Calgary.

Team members and coach, Milan Jagnešák, Martin Tešovič, Robert Chorvát, Vladimir Jagnešák, and Marcel Lopuchovský  were tired after a strenuous race but with the excellent atmosphere in the hall, great music by DJ Juraj Jaros and well-stocked bar with beer and drinks from Slovakia, their fatigue has quickly dispelled. The team honored the Slovak community in Calgary with a beautiful flag of the Slovak Olympic Committee, dedicated and signed by the members of the national team.

Those present Slovaks, Czechs and many Canadians who have become accustomed to attend great Slovak parties in Calgary, were for the first time in such an exclusive company of multiple members of the Slovakia's Olympic and National team, which includes the triple World champion in weightlifting, Martin Tešovič, who, by joining the bobslead team, can now compete in both Winter and Summer Olympic games and World cup events.

After the Ball and a good rest, the Slovak olympionics departed for their next race in the U.S. Lake Placid. We wish them much success and great results at the next Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

The Hunters' ball also introduced a new Slovak folk group Sunflower, which young Slovaks in Calgary founded only last fall, but their interpretation of the Slovak Trávnica songs, other folk songs and dances is already on a professional level.

After an excellent dinner that included a finger-licking Hunters goulash with wild game meat with mushrooms and red wine sauce, served with home-made dumplings, and other delicious dishes, a great fun and dance party followed that ended only the next morning, at 2:30 a.m.

Let the photos tell the story, and see you again in a year, on February 10, 2013 when we will, for a change, organize the St. Valentine's Ball.

Text and photos: Paul Carnogursky